Facility Safety | Steel King Industries, Inc.

Facility Safety

Is It Safe to Buy Used Pallet Rack?

Posted on Jun 9, 2022
Buying used rack may be okay for straightforward use; but for complexity, longevity, expansion, or seismic issues, new rack is best. In the tough economy, many warehouse managers and owners are tempted to save a little by purchasing used pallet [read more...]
Recent earthquakes in the Midwest and East Coast point to increased need for seismic consideration in warehouse construction While we typically associate earthquakes with areas such as California, recently Monroe, Michigan, was hit with a 3.2-magnitude earthquake. Light to weak shaking was [read more...]
Manufacturer’s beam tables are generally based on uniformly distributed loads. Both the capacity and the beam deflection will vary if the load is not uniformly distributed on the load shelf beams. While some degree of deflection is normal for a [read more...]

Rack Inspection Checklist

Posted on Jun 2, 2020
It’s a good idea to be in the habit of regularly inspecting your warehouse storage rack system. While it is also recommended to have a third-party rack inspection specialist periodically conduct a more through inspection, doing a visual inspection at [read more...]
Whether you operate a warehouse or design the rack systems for them, a few small design or operational changes could mean the difference between a localized fire and a devastating loss or tragedy. The most effective way to reduce the [read more...]
As regulations change and warehouse requirements become more complex, partnering with an expert can help to ensure durable, cost effective, compliant storage rack While it was once common for the majority of warehouse managers to purchase standard storage racks that [read more...]
With lean manufacturing and innovative safety barrier use, Katecho boosts production by 130%, improves quality, and cuts labor in half Katecho, a Des Moines, IA-based contract manufacturer and OEM of medical and cosmetic devices, knew it was time to reinvent [read more...]